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  • mareschultz

Exhaustion to Exhilaration

Every path in life has a bridge ... the journey is crossing it!

Throughout learning the lessons of acceptance and releasing judgment, which I now realize is a life-long process, I found myself working through some unhealthy attachments to judgment in my sleep. I dreamed about people and places and their particular situations. This brought restless sleep and I woke not feeling refreshed at all. Davana brought me clarity with these challenges:

When you are feeling responsible for others' situations and a bit guilty, remember these are lower vibrations lingering. Release each person and each situation by sending them love and Divine Light, and know their journey is exactly that ...THEIR journey. Release without judgment. Acceptance of another’s path involves truly loving them where they are. Yes, this applies to ALL. You are crossing the bridge to another way of existence; however, you are stuck on the bridge waiting for others to cross with you. What are you afraid of? Loneliness? Remember, your Creator exists within you. Isolation? You are ceaselessly surrounded by Divine Holy Love. Doubt? Trust and believe. Allow yourself to move forward and have faith that every experience is there for a purpose. Relax into total acceptance. Your inner guidance is present to help you move from exhaustion to exhilaration!

Exhilaration sounds good to me. How about you? As you are working through your layers toward acceptance, take a moment to reflect:

Imagine you are on a bridge crossing to another way of existence. On one side of the bridge is life as you’ve known it, full of judging others and populated by everyone who has participated in judging one way or another. On the other side, life is free from judgment and full of joy and abundant, unconditional love. Everyone here accepts one another exactly as they are.

Do you feel stuck on the bridge? If so, what is preventing you from taking the next step forward in your life?

What are you afraid of? Could it be loneliness, isolation, or judgment?

Do you have doubts? Reread the message from Davana and take her message into your heart.

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